Faisal & Ayesha
Engagement Photoshoot
Faisal & Ayesha
When searching for the right spot for their engagement photos, Faisal & Ayesha knew almost immediately that Yorkville was the place for them. With beautiful city views at every corner, they fell in love with this simple yet stunning cityscape — and who wouldn’t!
But one struggle anyone planning a GTA engagement session will know is that often the best spots get (very) busy during peak hours! And Yorkville is no exception! So Faisal & Ayesha opted for a sunrise session. It requires a bit more coffee, but it’s an easy trade-off!
There’s nothing like feeling as if you have all of Toronto to yourself, and on this Sunday morning, that’s exactly how this session felt to us.

Yorkville Village
55 Avenue Road
Toronto, ON, M5R 3L2